pasadena city hall

Sara & Neftali - Pasadena City Hall Engagement Session

Sara & Neftali - Pasadena City Hall Engagement Session

Pasadena City Hall is kind of like my home away from home now. I should be paying rent at this point. I say that because I am always there. Weekends or weekdays, it doesn’t matter because I always seem to be going there and so do tons of other people too. Any given day you can go there and see anything from a quinceañera taking photos to some people dressed up in cosplay to a huge wedding with a deep, deep wedding party. Pasadena City Hall is that kind of place which is why Sara & Neftail chose to take photos there. These two are a cool couple that I really, really enjoyed hanging out with. Their outfit choices were amazing and their vibe just made it easy for me to photograph them. Their wedding is coming up so fast and I cannot wait! They’re a ton of fun and their wedding will be also!

Pasadena City Hall - 100 Garfield Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101

If you’re thinking of having your engagement shoot or any kind of shoot at this place then there are a few things to keep in mind. The best times to go here are either really early in the morning or later in the evening. Weekday evenings is probably the very best time take engagement photographs at Pasadena City Hall because this is actually a place where lots of people work. Weekends is like a zoo here! Yeah we can still get the super nice photographs on weekends but if you want that epic and wide shot of the entire place you just cannot get that on a weekend. There are way too many people there at any given time so knowing all of that, lets schedule your shoot today!